Τρίτη 26 Μαΐου 2009

Celeb with Cellulite (photos only for ohh lala )

is Lady Gaga

is Paris Hilton

is Britney Spears

is Courteney Cox

is Jessica Simpson

is Christina Aguilera

is Jennifer Lopez

is Sharon Stone

is Sophie Monk

is Eva Longoria

is Pamela Anderson

is Lily Allen

is Mischa Barton

is Tara Reid

is Jennifer Love Hewitt

Women have been fighting off cellulite practically since the beginning. Every woman has some cellulite whether she wants to admit it or not. The cellulite seems to grow with our age.Should we just throw in the towel and try to accept that we can’t get rid of cellulite. We could try to be at peace with the fact that we have cellulite.We can fight cellulite or we can try to minimize the appearance of it. There are treatments that are available. One of the downsides to these treatments is the cellulite will return if you discontinue the treatments!Cellulite creams and lotions can be purchased at your local Wal Mart or Target. They can help reduce cellulite. If you apply some of these creams right before leaving for the beach or pool, your skin will appear tighter and show less signs of cellulite.These lotions and creams triggers circulation and helps break down the collagen that is giving your problem areas the look of cellulite.Some of the active in ingredients in these lotions are seaweed extracts, aminophylline and/or caffeine.If you have tried the lotions and creams you may want to look into Endermology.  A machine is used to break down collagen bands and end the end, reduces the appearance of cellulite.This is not a one time treatment and would require maintenance. It could cause bruising and its not cheap like most of the lotions and creams are.I think if we can clone a sheep, we should be able to reduce the site of cellulite that leaves so many women feeling uncomfortable about themselves in a bathing suit or pair of shorts.

Julia for Nak